According to the program on “Survey on famous trademarks in Vietnam” in 2008 co-organized by Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and Nielsen Vietnam – a company specializing in market research, Kinh Do was elected to be the most famous in the food sector. In the higher level, Kinh Do ranked the forth among Top 10 of famous trademark. On this occasion, reporter from Sai Gon Businessman interviews Mr. Tran Le Nguyen – General Director of Kinh Do Group revealed about the secrete of winning the customers' hearts…
* First of all, I would like to congratulate Kinh Do to be on the list of Top 10 of the most famous trademarks in Vietnam. Could you please unveil about the meaning of this achievement in the Kinh Do branding?
- This result is attached with great significance since it confirms the trusts of customers in Kinh Do trademark. On this occasion, I would like to express my gratitude to the trust of customer in Kinh Do and promise that we will try our best to build the increasingly powerful trademark of Kinh Do.
* Kinh Do becomes the most famous trademark at the moment when Vietnam’s enterprise community is affected by the global economic depression. Is it possible to understand that Kinh Do is still safe in crisis?
- Actually, food sector of Kinh Do in 2008 was affected but not too much. In 2009, we managed getting balance again to reach the growth of 20-30%.
* Some years after Vietnam’s integration in WTO, some “big foreign companies” in food sector have been eager to invest in Vietnam. What is your evaluation about the competition of foreign trademark, especially in ice-cream and bakery those are the strength of Kinh Do?
- Business is battlefield. To some extent, competition is the motive of creativity, helping enterprise to create new products or services. If the market is occupied by only one company, the sluggishness will be inevitable. To avoid defeat in the host playground, Kinh Do always develops annual strategy and makes synchronous preparation of all respects for each department from development research department to marketing department, personnel department and so forth. Most of Kinh Do’s products are industrially manufactured, long-preserved, qualified at reasonable price and with wide distribution network from urban to rural areas, etc; therefore, they are selected by a majority of customers. Recently, we have enhanced export that helps us to have good reserve in foreign currency (in the scarcity of the market). That is the reason why we do not face with difficulty in input materials.
* It is said that some foreign partners used to offer to buy Kido Ice-cream Brand name of Kinh Do. Is it true, Sir?
- After we acquired KiDo from Unilever, it was surprised that Kido was profitable (the turnover of 2008 reached 200 billion VND). Some foreign partners wanted to buy Kido; however, we desired to make Kido the leading unit in manufacturing and distribution of freeze foods of Kinh Do.
*Does it mean that some days not only ice cream and yogurt contained in the tank of Kido like today?
- Yes. We have started the association with some units specializing in the supply of take-over foods. Vietnamese customers currently show high requirements; therefore, high-quality products with good distribution network can meet the demand.
* In response to some problem with imported products, Vietnamese customers are more concerned. However, requirements in quality of local products are higher. What should a Vietnamese trademark do to convince more and more difficult customers?
- I think that in order to win the customers' hearts, the quality products must be firstly launched. Then, it is necessary to mention diversified models, eye-catching appearance and good distribution system. It is the key of success of Kinh Do trademark. The method applied by Kinh Do is similar with that of foreign companies. The trademark's core value is the value of the product. In addition to new introduction to new products, Kinh Do also pays attention to the creation of added value for the products. In production, Kinh Do never uses materials of poor quality to reduce the price.
* People say that it is difficult to identify the advantages and disadvantages of each enterprise. What is the lesson learnt by Kinh Do’s management board in the global economic crisis?
- It is necessary to make selective investment without overloading. We must focus on the strength that we possess. In the market of fluctuation, quick response of management board is essential. If we want to expand investment, it is required to consider carefully. It had better to focus on one sector than various sectors without strict control.
* Does it mean that food is still the main business sector of Kinh Do? What about financial investment and real estate?
- Exactly. Regarding financial investment, new investment projects are temporary suspended. In term of real estate sector, Kinh Do will commence SJC- Le Loi Office Building in the area of 4,000m2 by the forth quarter. This is a multi-purpose 45-floor building that combine apartment, office, commercial center (50% of capital contributed by Kinh Do), which is potentially profitable thank to its location in center of District 1 with four frontage sides on main streets including Le Thanh Ton, Le Loi, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia and Nguyen Trung Truc.
In addition, when we move the factory to Binh Duong, the old factory in Hiep Binh Phuoc will be used for apartment building project. If everything is alright, the 18-block project equivalent to 2,000 apartments will be commenced by 2010. With this project, our employees will be offered with privilege policy with support loan from the bank. These two big projects of Kinh Do will produce considerable profits to Kinh Do by 2010.
* Thank your, Sir!
“Survey on famous trademarks in Vietnam” in 2008 was carried out with participation of 1,300 brands in more than 30 various sectors by the manner of answering questions. The organization board selected the 500 most famous trademark of Vietnam and determined Top 50 (by famous index), 33 most famous trademarks by sector; and selected Top 10 of the most famous trademark in Vietnam. In food sector, Kinh Do ranks the first with the famous index of 60, followed by Chinsu of 44, Tuong An of 31, and Vissan of 28. According to the survey results, 95% of asked consumers are familiar with Kinh Do trademark, among which 87% had positive feedback. |
Theo Doanh Nhân Sài Gòn