23 February, 2009

-The melemine contamination scandal is currently consumers' big worries. As a milk material-intensive food producer, are you concerned that your materials might accidentally get caught in this?

To prevent any accident, what matters is we have to take proactive steps to prevent and avoid it. As a food processing producer, we understand that food hygiene and safety is a make or break factor to a company, especially large-scale and prestigious ones. We, therefore, have built the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point), which is a very effective preventive solution.  This system helps us tighten control of material input sources and make careful and detailed analysis of risks to our products. As a result, we are more confident and self-assured when facing such events as the last food hygiene and safety scandal, which has had such a profound and widespread impact.

-Society is crying for higher business ethics and social responsibility on the part of businesses. What is Kinhdo's reaction to this?

We have a corporate culture of highly respecting business ethics and being responsible to the consumers in particular and the society as a whole. It is commonsense that you cannot sell or market your products which you are not comfortable using them yourself. You just have to think about this it is the consumers who will cast the vote for your company's existence and development.

With the happenings over the last few days I think it is high time we seriously considered this in terms of the 3 categories: the business, the consumers and the government bodies. Businesses must be absolutely responsible for their products. The consumers should be wiser and make informed decisions before buying. And there should be a sanction which is vigorous and exemplary enough to protect honest businesses' interest.

-Normally, after an “accident” such as the melamine contamination scandal the consumers, apart from taking legal actions, also take boycotting attempts and make damage claims. This culture is beginning to take shape in Vietnam. Are you worried that more restrictive demands from the consumers may reduce businesses' profits?

I think this will be inevitable. But it also depends on the consumers' awareness and businesses' behavior. Businesses are legally held responsible for any wrongdoings and making proper compensations. But whether or not they can continue to have the consumers' faith is another matter.

The value of trust is very important. In reality, many big companies in the world will be ready to take whole responsibility and apologize for their sub-quality products. Later on the consumers not only will not boycott their products but also trust the products and brands even more. I, as a result, think trust is built on the foundation of honesty and enforcement of commitment to the consumers.

Nowadays, consumers are getting wiser and more demanding but they also do not hesitate to pull out their wallets on those quality products which meet their needs. Therefore, I do not think there should be any worry about profit declining and this should be seen as a good opportunity for such businesses that deal fairly and always see customers' satisfaction as a foundation for their growth. 

-Will you, on behalf of Kinhdo, commit that your products meet standard requirements of food hygiene and safety?

On behalf of Kinhdo, I pledge that all of Kinhdo's products fully meet the national standards for food hygiene and safety. Besides, we would appreciate comments and recommendations from the consumers in order that we can continue researching and improving our products to meet more demanding domestic and international requirements.

-Thank you!