16 April, 2010

According to specialists, confectionery market in Vietnam in general and fresh bread companies in particular will be well developed in the future. This is a potential market because the advantages of bakery chain is to distribute, retail and create a new modern and dynamic style of enjoying cake. In recent times, it is more and more competitive in the market when there appears foreign-brand bread. Thus, in order to promote sustainable development and expand market share, Kinh Do Sai Gon moved  their office from Phu Lam to Tan Tao Industrial Park in order to improve quality standards, increase production capacity to serve market expansion, the company also invested some modern production lines, using high quality materials, qualified and skilled workers, open training courses for professional skills and work with foreign experts to develop Europe products...... to catch up with the market in the future.

To promote the development of new products according to European standards

"The new location at Tan Tao industrial park with infrastructure systems which are convenient with the participation of skillful and professional employees to help companies develop their business activities, focus on new suitable products and closer to foreign products, improve product quality in conformity with Vietnamese taste. Ms. Dinh Kim Chan - R & D Kinh Do Sai Gon shared her opinion.

R & D Team with the aim of continuous research and improvement of product quality that is more suitable to the needs of consumers, create advantages in priority, leading in introducing new and different product lines compared to their competitors. Accordingly, in this year R & D Kinh Do Sai Gon set these targets:

  • Do research; raise the value and awareness on products. Create the soft and smooth line for bread products in accordance with European standards.
  • Supplement cereal and use raw materials close to the nature that ensure the health of users.
  • Promote cotton technical products made from chocolate and maintain the leading position in this product line in the market.
  • Do research and develop cream cakes decorated from various kinds of fruits from our country and proceed to produce at the bakery shop.
  • Products from cheese, Cupcake will also be enhanced.

Cooperating, training and improving professional skills for staffs

Early in 2010, Kinh Do Sai Gon invited Mr. Thomas Bruenger - foreign experts to hold the position as Product Manager taking participation in the research and developing new product lines. With over 25 years experience in baking, Mr. Thomas Bruenger has carried out planning for a number of production processes, trained workers according to international standards. Along with young and dynamic staffs in Kinh Do Sai Gon and foreign experts which will blow a new wind, new spirit to help companies develop and promote sustainable development.

To promote in selection with "Brand concession"

There are 2 forms of business operation in Kinh Do Bakery namely self open activities and trade concession. The first business concession shop in Kinh Do Bakery was set up in Vietnam in early 2005 and is now extended to major cities: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Bien Hoa Hoc Mon. Shops are designed and constructed with modern and high-level model of developed countries. Kinh Do Bakery is a direct selling channel of Kinh Do Corporation with hundreds of candies and fresh bread products, ice cream, yogurt, beverage and hygienic, convenient and beautiful packaging designs where customers can choose products freely and comfortably. Through this system, the company received many comments and feedback of consumers, thereby improving the products, their services to meet consumers demand.

To ensure the company's image in the concession process, the leaders must strengthen the quality control and management, service for concessive units and build the policy in trademark concession in order to not make negatively impact on the brand image of the concessive company.

K-Do Bakery & Coffee - a new business model

In recent years, Bakery models have been upgraded to form a new cuisine: guests come not only eat but also to meet friends, relax and work. This model is a new development of confectionery trading companies and new trends among young families. New K-Do bakery and coffee system was significantly invested by Kinh Do Sai Gon with the aim of expanding network of shops throughout the city and serve different tastes of consumers at different ages. Kinh Do Sai Gon has implemented this model that was quite successful in District 7 and at 205 Hai Ba Trung - District 1 and supported enthusiastically from numerous customers. With the modern business model, luxurious and warm space with courtesy and professional services made a deep impression in many customers.

Even though trade mark concession model is a good direction, Kinh Do Sai Gon is always careful, well- prepared and not due to the fast development which have affected the long term brand. Just only the attitude of the servants is not good that will have influence on brand so it must be careful in concession. Especially we never failed to quality management. "

Investment in human resources development is one of the leading targets that Kinh Do Sai Gon paid special attention. With the integration of professional and highly skilled staffs, experienced foreign experts, Kinh Do Sai Gon is affirming their position and its business strategy and promoting the needs of customers in the best way to accomplish tasks and goals that all leaders and employees proposed.