The Chinese visited Kinh Do

18 April, 2009

24.10. Celebrating its 5th anniversary and expressing its gratefulness to KinhDo's enthusiatic support over the past 5 years, the society's panel for external affairs led by Ms Truong Tu Muoi, chairperson and Mr Phuong Tho Minh, vice-chairman visited and talked with KinhDo. The panel was received by Mr Tran Kim Thanh – CEO, Mr Le Phung Hao – Deputy Director, and Mr Bui Thanh Tung – Director of Cracker and Cookies.

since the first day of the society's foundation, it has received fervent support from KinhDo and other enterprises. The society has been along with them over many difficulties and made solid progresses.  Typical of this is the annual “Chinese Funfair”, which attracts an ever-increasing number of enterprises. This once more proves that the society is headed in the right direction.

On this occasion Mr Tran Kim Thanh thanked the society for the visit. He highly appreciated the society's recent activities and emphasized the fact that the society is the bridge which connects Chinese enterprises both domestic and overseas. Therefore, it is necessary that the society expand its operational scope for more opportunities of cooperation and exchange. He finally wished the society success and sustained development.