23 February, 2009

This is the great potentially profitable project because it is located right on the center of District 1 of HCMC. This is the specifically advantageously and competilitive site with 2 business frontages of main streets (Le Thanh Ton, Le Loi, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia and Nguyen Trung Truc) in the financial - economic - trading central area of city.

With its very advantageous accommodation land in the situation which the demands of accommodation apartment, office and department store are always in height as well as the scarcity of the ground in the center arear of HCMC, we are absolutely in confidence and believe in the feasibility and the ery low risk of this project.

Project feasibility: This project is planned as 45-floor building with the complex of apartments, offices and department stores; the deluxe apartments of this building shall be demised in long term (50 years) with the very competitive price. The output price of this project is considered as absolutely feasible and competitive and also great profitable in long term.


  • 65TER Le Loi (the quadrangular of 4 streests of Le Loi, Le Thanh Ton, Nguyen Trung Truc and Nam Ky Khoi Nghia).
  • Main propriertor: Sai Gon Kim Cuong Joint Stock Company, 50% capital owned by Kinh Do.
  • Ground area: 3.805m2. Construction area: 82.074m2. In that, basement area is 22.031m2 and office area is 60.043m2.
  • Estimated height of building: 45 floors
  • The time for investment procedures and completed construction in 4 years.
HCMC People Commitee has just accepted that Sai Gon Kim Cuong Corporation is dismounted the building project at 2,003 square meters in are in the project SJC belongs to four cornered area by Le Loi St., Nam Ky Khoi Nghia st., Le Thanh Ton st., Nguyen Trung Truc st., district 1 to clear the ground and deploy SJC project.